Porting refers to the process of transferring your existing phone number from your current mobile carrier to a new one. Transitioning your existing phone number from your current carrier to our network is a hassle-free process that eliminates the need to contact your current provider.
The porting procedure is typically a swift and straightforward affair. If you’re switching from major carriers like Verizon, T-Mobile or AT&T, the transfer generally wraps up within a span of five minutes to two hours, although some carriers might require a bit more time.
To ensure a smooth porting experience, it’s advisable to have Wi-Fi access and your SIM or eSIM ready. Once the number port is successfully completed, your phone number seamlessly migrates from your current carrier’s SIM to your new SIM. You’ll receive step-by-step notifications guiding you to insert your new SIM. If, by any chance, you don’t receive notifications but have completed all activation steps, simply insert the SIM and you’re good to go!